Hebrew and Judaic Online Tutoring is available for Children and Adults. One on One tutoring and group sessions are available on ZOOM or other online platforms. The tutoring is facilitated by Rabbi Joyce Siegel an experienced Rabbi Educator.
With everyone’s hectic schedules, Hebrew and Judaic Tutoring taught by Rabbi Joyce takes the stress out of scheduling another thing into your hectic day. You can choose the day and time that works with your schedule.
Everyone learns differently. Lessons are geared to individual pace and learning styles. The lessons use various apps and modalities to reach each individual’s learning styles. The goals of tutoring are the development of a strong love of being Jewish and a strong Jewish identity.
Hebrew and Judaic Online Tutoring taught by Rabbi Joyce not only fits hectic schedules and various learning styles, it is also geared to families that are unaffiliated or do not have a synagogue close to where they live.
Hebrew and Judaic Online Tutoring with Rabbi Joyce is a cost effective solution for supplemental Religious Schools that would like additional Hebrew and Judaic content but either don’t have enough time in their curriculum or don’t have enough children to pay a teacher for a class. Hebrew and Judaic Online Tutoring taught by Rabbi Joyce will work with synagogue clergy and the Religious School Directors to assist you in meeting your goals using your materials and curriculum.
Jewish Life Cycle Officiation – Rabbi Joyce is available to officiate your Baby Naming Ceremony, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Wedding, Vow Renewal, Funeral, Shiva minyan. Each life cycle event is personalized to your dream. Rabbi Joyce Whether it be interfaith/intercultural, or one faith/culture, Rabbi Joyce will create the ceremony for you.